Lost Windows Product Key
When you bought your computer or your new copy of Windows, you may have assumed you'd never have to re-install the operating system.
However, there are plenty of reasons why you might have to re-install Windows. Whether a particularly nasty virus has torn apart your registry, or years of digital muck has built up on your hard drive and is hurting your performance, a clean slate could be just what the doctor ordered!
But what if you don't have the Windows product key? It's easy to forget, but to prevent piracy, Windows and other software requires a unique product key for installation and re-installation.
Did you hang on to your packaging? Did you write it down somewhere?
If not, don't fret! You don't need to purchase a brand new license. Enchanted Keyfinder can track down your lost product key.
Just download the free program and extract it to your computer. Once you run it, Enchanted Keyfinder will search through your registry to find where the key is hidden! It also can find the product keys for Microsoft Office.
No installation is required, and the keys are stored in common file formats that are easy to open and print. I would definitely run this now and keep a printed copy of your product keys in a safe place, just in case.
Enchanted Keyfinder works on Windows 9X, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7.
Cost: Free
Link: sourceforge.net/projects/ekeyfinder
System: Windows
Source: Kim Komando